Hello World!

Hello, my name is Kostas.


Hi everyone, welcome to my internet place! This is my first blog post ever! This website will be just another hobby of mine, not the next big technology blog. I do this because it’s fun & when it ceases to be, I’ll stop. I hope I will be able to assist a few individuals along the way (including myself).

What is this blog about?

It will be mostly technology-oriented, although you may see a variety of topics that I find interesting.

Technology Topics

  • Web Development: Insights, tutorials, and projects.
  • Tech News: Updates and opinions on the latest in technology.

Other Interests

  • Work and Psychology: Personal experiences about work and the psychology of being a developer.
  • Gaming: My personal gaming experiences.
  • Random Topics: Musings and thoughts on various topics that catch my interest.

What this blog isn’t?

It isn’t a review or a free tech support site. I aim to share knowledge and experiences, not to provide technical support.