How I Decluttered My Life in 2023 by Selling Over 150 Items


2023 was the year I decided to take control of the clutter in my life. As a developer, I had accumulated a substantial amount of tech equipment over the years—multiple computers, mobiles, laptops, and various accessories. It was time for a change. Here’s how I managed to sell over 150 items online and significantly simplify my life.

The Motivation

The clutter was starting to become overwhelming. My workspace was crowded with devices, many of which I rarely used. Moreover, some of these items required maintenance, which took up extra time and added to the burden. I realized that these items were not only taking up physical space but also mental space. Additionally, I had duplicate devices, like gaming consoles and other tech gadgets, which were unnecessary. For instance, I had multiple Raspberry Pis, a custom water-cooled gaming PC, with peripherals like a VR headset and a heavily customized driving wheel that I rarely used. It was time to let go of what I didn’t need and create a more organized and efficient environment.

The Plan

I approached this decluttering project methodically:

  1. Inventory Assessment: I began by taking an inventory of all the items I owned. This included every piece of tech, from computers and mobiles to peripherals and accessories.
  2. Categorization: I categorized each item based on its usage frequency and necessity. Items that I hadn’t used in the past year were marked for sale.
  3. Valuation: I researched the current market value for each item to set a reasonable selling price. Facebook marketplace, Insomnia and Vendora resale platforms were useful for this.
  4. Listing: I took clear photos and wrote detailed descriptions for each item, highlighting any unique features or conditions. I listed these items on various online marketplaces.
  5. Negotiation and Sale: I interacted with potential buyers, negotiated prices, and finalized sales. This step required patience and responsiveness.

Marketplace listings Some of my listings on Facebook marketplace

The Execution

Step 1: Inventory Assessment

The first step was to understand exactly what I owned. I created a spreadsheet and logged each item, noting its condition and any accessories it came with.

Step 2: Categorization

Next, I categorized items into three groups:

  • Essential: Items I use daily or weekly.
  • Occasional: Items I use monthly or quarterly.
  • Unnecessary: Items I haven’t used in the past year or items that required maintenance and took up extra time.

Step 3: Listing

I listed items with:

  • High-quality Photos: To attract buyers.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Including specifications, condition, and any flaws.
  • Competitive Pricing: Based on my valuation research.

Step 4: Negotiation and Sale

This was the most time-consuming part. I had to:

  • Respond Quickly: To inquiries and offers.
  • Negotiate: To reach a mutually agreeable price.
  • Coordinate Shipping or Pickup: To finalize the sale.

The Outcome

By the end of 2023, I had successfully sold over 150 items. The results were transformative:

  • Cleared Space: My workspace and home are now much more organized.
  • Mental Clarity: Reduced clutter has led to a clearer mind and better focus.
  • Financial Gain: I made a significant amount of money.
  • Time Saved: Less maintenance work has freed up more of my time for productive activities.


Decluttering my life by selling over 150 unnecessary items was a rewarding experience. It required effort and patience, but the benefits of a more organized and focused lifestyle were well worth it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter, I highly recommend taking the time to assess, categorize, and sell items you no longer need. Your future self will thank you.