PHP Coding Standards

In PHP development, adhering to coding standards is crucial for maintaining clean, readable, and maintainable code. Standards ensure consistency across projects and make collaboration easier among developers. This post explores PHP coding standards, with a focus on PSR-12 and other relevant guidelines.

What are PHP Coding Standards?

PHP Coding Standards are a set of rules and guidelines that developers follow to format their code consistently. These standards cover aspects such as naming conventions, indentation, brace placement, whitespace usage, and more. Adhering to coding standards helps improve code quality, readability, and reduces potential errors.

PSR-12: The PHP Standard Recommendation

PSR-12 is a coding style guide and recommendations for PHP developed by the PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG). It builds upon PSR-1 (Basic Coding Standard) and PSR-2 (Coding Style Guide), aiming to unify coding style across PHP projects. Key aspects of PSR-12 include:

  • Class and Method Definitions: Defines the structure and formatting of class declarations, methods, and visibility.



class MyClass
    public function myMethod(): void
        // Method body
  • Property and Variable Naming: Guidelines for naming properties, variables, constants, and namespaces.



$myVariableName = 'value';
const MY_CONSTANT = 'constant_value';
  • Control Structures: Rules for formatting control structures like if, else, while, for, etc.



if ($condition) {
    // Code block
} else {
    // Alternative code block
  • Whitespace and Indentation: Recommendations for using whitespace and indentation to improve code readability.



function myFunction($arg1, $arg2)
    // Indented code block
    if ($arg1 === $arg2) {
        // Nested indented block

Implementing PSR-12

To implement PSR-12 in your PHP projects:

  1. Use Coding Standards Tools: Tools like PHP CodeSniffer (phpcs) can automatically check code against PSR-12 standards and provide feedback.

  2. Editor Integration: IDEs and text editors often have plugins or extensions that can highlight violations of coding standards as you write code.

  3. Team Adoption: Ensure all team members are familiar with and adhere to PSR-12 guidelines to maintain consistency across the project.

Other PHP Coding Standards

PSR-1 and PSR-2

  • PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard focuses on fundamental coding guidelines, such as file naming, class naming, and PHP tags usage.

  • PSR-2: Coding Style Guide expands on PSR-1, covering indentation, braces, method arguments, and more detailed coding style rules.

Framework-Specific Standards

  • Symfony Coding Standards: Specific guidelines tailored for Symfony framework projects, including naming conventions, file organization, and best practices.

  • WordPress Coding Standards: Standards for developing themes and plugins in WordPress, ensuring consistency and compatibility across the platform.

Custom Coding Standards

  • Company or Project-specific Standards: Some projects or organizations define custom coding standards tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Benefits of Adopting Coding Standards

  • Consistency: Ensures a consistent coding style across the project, making code easier to read and understand.

  • Maintainability: Improves code maintainability by reducing complexity and making it easier to debug and refactor.

  • Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a common set of guidelines.

By integrating coding standards into your PHP development workflow, you contribute to a more efficient and effective software development process.