Rediscovering My 2020 Code

Recently, I stumbled upon a piece of code I wrote back in 2020. It was like discovering a time capsule—an artifact from a different era in my programming journey. At first glance, my reaction was a mix of amusement and disbelief. The code looked… different. It felt clunky, less organized, and, to be honest, a bit naive. But as I continued to explore it, I realized that my reaction was more complex than just finding fault with my past self.

Initial Reaction: Cringing at the Past

Seeing my old code, I couldn’t help but cringe. The variable names were inconsistent, the functions were way too long, and there was a clear lack of comments explaining the logic. My first thought was, Did I really think this was good code? It was as if I was looking at someone else’s work someone who didn’t understand the basics of clean coding principles.

But after the initial shock wore off, I began to appreciate what I was seeing. This code, in all its imperfections, was a snapshot of where I was in my development journey at that time. It wasn’t just bad; it was a record of my learning process, my understanding, and my skills at that moment.

Recognizing Improvement: The Clear Signs of Growth

When I compare my old code to what I write today, the differences are stark. Over the past few years, I’ve focused a lot on improving my coding practices. I now prioritize readability, maintainability, and efficiency. I’ve learned to write cleaner, more modular code and have adopted better error handling practices.

Seeing this growth was incredibly satisfying. It was a tangible reminder of how much I’ve learned and evolved. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget how far you’ve come. This little trip down memory lane reminded me of the progress I’ve made, not just in coding but in my overall approach to problem-solving and software development.

The Bigger Picture: It’s Complicated

However, this experience also made me realize something more profound. While I’ve improved in many ways, the picture isn’t entirely straightforward. As I’ve learned more, I’ve also realized just how much more there is to know. My understanding of what makes good code has deepened, and with that, my awareness of the complexity of writing truly great software.

Looking back, I see that the code I wrote in 2020 wasn’t just a product of ignorance, it was also a product of a simpler mindset. As I’ve matured as a developer, my thinking has become more nuanced. I’ve learned that there’s rarely a single “right” way to solve a problem. Good coding involves balancing multiple trade-offs, understanding context, and sometimes making tough decisions about what to prioritize.

So, while I may have cringed at my 2020 code, I’m also grateful for it. I’m excited to see how I’ll continue to grow and evolve in the years to come, and I’m looking forward to the day when I look back at my current code and cringe all over again.