Toxic Project Managers

As a software developer, I’ve encountered a variety of project managers throughout my career. While some are excellent leaders who inspire and motivate their teams, others are far from ideal. These toxic project managers can turn a promising project into a nightmare. Here are the different types of toxic project managers that me or other people in my circle came across, each with their unique brand of dysfunctionality.

The “Know-It-All” Without a Tech Background

This type of manager believes they have an encyclopedic understanding of everything, despite having little to no technical background. They are confident in their misguided beliefs about how technology works and often refuse to take input from the actual experts on the team. These managers can derail projects with unrealistic expectations and flawed assumptions, creating frustration among developers who know better.

Key Characteristics:

  • Dismisses Expertise: Ignores advice from technical staff, believing they know better.
  • Overconfidence: Assumes their opinion is the final word on technical matters.
  • Lacks Foundation: Makes decisions without a solid understanding of the technology involved.

Example Scenario:

Imagine explaining the limitations of a particular technology stack, only to be told by this manager that “technology can do anything” and to “just make it happen.” You end up spending valuable time explaining basic concepts while they continue to make decisions based on their misconceptions.

The Credit Taker, Blame Giver

Few things are more demotivating than working under a manager who takes credit for successes but points fingers when things go wrong. This type of manager is quick to spotlight themselves during presentations or meetings when everything is running smoothly, yet equally swift to place blame on team members when issues arise. The result is a toxic work environment where developers feel undervalued and disposable.

Key Characteristics:

  • Self-Promoting: Always takes credit for team achievements, disregarding individual contributions.
  • Blame Shifter: Shifts responsibility for failures onto team members to avoid accountability.
  • Lack of Recognition: Fails to recognize or reward team members’ hard work.

Example Scenario:

After a successful launch, this manager takes the stage in front of upper management, praising their own leadership while ignoring the team’s hard work. However, if a project deadline is missed, they are quick to point fingers at developers, often rewriting history to distance themselves from any blame.

The Flip-Flopper

The flip-flopper is a manager who can never seem to stick to a decision. One day, they provide specific instructions, and the next day, they contradict themselves and blame you for the confusion. This inconsistency can lead to wasted time, energy, and effort, as developers find themselves constantly second-guessing every move.

Key Characteristics:

  • Inconsistent: Regularly changes decisions or opinions without clear reasoning.
  • Unpredictable: Often shifts directions mid-project, causing confusion and frustration.
  • Blame-Oriented: Blames team members for misunderstandings stemming from their own inconsistencies.

Example Scenario:

You might start your day working on a feature based on their guidance, only to receive an email the next day asking why you were doing something different from their “original” instructions. Despite the contradiction, the blame still falls on you for “misinterpreting” their directions.

The Rude and Abrasive Manager

Some managers seem to thrive on creating a hostile work environment. Rude, dismissive, and often condescending, these managers think nothing of belittling team members publicly or privately. Working under such a manager is like walking on eggshells, where any interaction might result in an unnecessary conflict.

Key Characteristics:

  • Disrespectful: Often interrupts or dismisses others’ ideas or opinions rudely.
  • Abrasive: Communicates in a harsh, unfriendly manner that alienates team members.
  • Intimidating: Uses fear as a tool to manage, making team members anxious and uncomfortable.

Example Scenario:

Imagine presenting a well-thought-out idea in a meeting, only to be rudely interrupted with a dismissive comment like, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” This public shaming not only undermines your confidence but also discourages others from speaking up.

The Incompetent Manager

Despite occupying a position of authority, this type of manager seems genuinely incapable of performing their job. Whether due to a lack of knowledge, skills, or motivation, their incompetence hinders project progress and team morale. Their decisions are often poorly thought out, leading to project delays and budget overruns.

Key Characteristics:

  • Lack of Skills: Struggles with basic managerial tasks, such as project planning and communication.
  • Inefficient: Makes decisions that lead to project delays and budget issues.
  • Dependent: Often relies heavily on the team to cover their shortcomings.

Example Scenario:

You find yourself constantly having to redo work because this manager failed to provide clear specifications or didn’t consider key dependencies. Their inability to plan effectively results in missed deadlines and increased stress for the entire team.

The Dunning-Kruger Manager

This type of manager suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect, where they are blissfully unaware of their own limitations. They overestimate their abilities and fail to recognize the expertise of those around them. Their poor judgment can lead to misguided projects and bad business decisions.

Key Characteristics:

  • Overconfident: Lacks self-awareness of their limitations and overestimates their abilities.
  • Decision Maker: Makes poor decisions based on their flawed understanding.
  • Dismissive: Often dismisses expert advice, believing they know best.

Example Scenario:

Imagine proposing a new architecture to solve a scaling issue, only to have it dismissed by this manager because they believe their outdated solution is better, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

The Privacy Invader

There’s the manager who doesn’t respect boundaries between work and personal life. They want to know everything about you, from your weekend plans to your personal relationships. While some level of interest in team members’ lives is natural, this manager crosses the line, making you feel uncomfortable and invaded.

Key Characteristics:

  • Overly Curious: Constantly inquires about personal details unrelated to work.
  • Boundary Issues: Fails to respect personal boundaries, often meddling in private matters.
  • Inappropriate: Engages in behavior that makes team members feel uncomfortable and exposed.

Example Scenario:

Receiving messages late at night asking about personal plans, or being cornered into awkward conversations about private life details during work hours, makes it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

The Chit-Chatter

The Chit-Chatter manager is often found in places you wouldn’t expect: in the break room, at your desk, or constantly on chat apps. They are more interested in socializing and small talk than focusing on work. While building camaraderie is important, the Chit-Chatter often crosses the line, making it hard to get any actual work done.

Key Characteristics:

  • Overly Sociable: Spends excessive time chatting rather than focusing on tasks.
  • Distracting: Interrupts workflow with irrelevant conversations or constant messages.
  • Unproductive: More interested in social interactions than achieving project goals.

Example Scenario:

You’re deep into debugging a complex issue when the Chit-Chatter drops by your desk for a casual conversation about their weekend plans. Their constant need for social interaction pulls focus away from important tasks, slowing down productivity and creating unnecessary delays.

The One-Man Show

What’s truly terrifying is that all these types of toxic behaviors can be embodied in a single manager. Encountering a manager who is a know-it-all, credit-stealing, blame-shifting, flip-flopping, rude, incompetent, Dunning-Kruger-affected, privacy-invading, chit-chatting nightmare is a developer’s worst fear. These managers can create a complex web of issues that make the workplace incredibly challenging.