I Tried FreeBSD

For quite some time, I have been intrigued by the buzz surrounding FreeBSD, a UNIX-like operating system known for its robustness, performance, and advanced networking capabilities. Being an ardent Linux user for years, I was excited to take FreeBSD for a spin and see how it compares. This post chronicles my journey as I explore the ins and outs of FreeBSD, from installation to day-to-day usage.


The installation process of FreeBSD was refreshingly straightforward. The FreeBSD Handbook was an invaluable resource, offering clear and concise instructions. I decided to install FreeBSD on a virtual machine using VirtualBox.

Here’s a quick rundown of the installation process:

  1. Download the ISO: I grabbed the latest FreeBSD ISO from the official website.

  2. Boot the Installer: After setting up a new VM in VirtualBox, I booted from the ISO, landing on a simple text-based installer screen.

  3. Disk Partitioning: Unlike Linux, FreeBSD uses its own partitioning scheme, with slices and labels. I opted for the auto-partition feature for simplicity.

  4. Select Components: I chose the default options, which included the base system and the ports collection.

  5. Network Configuration: FreeBSD’s installer detected my network settings automatically, making this step a breeze.

  6. Set Root Password: After configuring user accounts, I set a root password and finalized the installation.

First Impressions

Once installed, FreeBSD greeted me with its iconic Beastie logo and a command-line interface. It was a delightful opportunity to sharpen my command-line skills.

System Configuration

Shell Environment

FreeBSD defaults to using the tcsh shell for the root user, to align with my usual workflow, I switched to bash:

pkg install bash
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Package Management

Coming from Linux, I was keen to see how FreeBSD handles package management. FreeBSD offers two primary ways to install software:

  1. Packages: Binary packages can be installed using the pkg command, which is akin to apt or yum in Linux.

    pkg install firefox
  2. Ports: For those who prefer compiling from source, the Ports Collection offers a comprehensive library of software. Installing via ports can be as simple as:

    cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
    make install clean

Desktop Environment

To make FreeBSD more visually appealing and user-friendly, I decided to install a desktop environment. After some deliberation, I settled on Xfce due to its lightweight nature and feature-rich experience:

pkg install xorg xfce
echo "exec startxfce4" >> ~/.xinitrc

The Xfce setup was smooth, and soon I had a functional desktop that felt snappy and responsive. It was fascinating to see FreeBSD’s hardware compatibility in action, with my graphics and audio working seamlessly.

Everyday Use


FreeBSD is renowned for its networking capabilities. Setting up Wi-Fi was straightforward with the wpa_supplicant tool:

ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev iwn0
wpa_passphrase "SSID" "password" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
service netif restart

The ifconfig and wpa_supplicant utilities offered precise control over network configurations, which I found both empowering and educational.

Software Availability

One of my initial concerns was software availability. While the FreeBSD Ports Collection is extensive, certain Linux-only applications needed workarounds. However, most of my daily tools, such as Firefox, LibreOffice, and GIMP, were readily available and performed admirably.


Performance-wise, FreeBSD did not disappoint. The system was remarkably stable and responsive, even under load. Resource management was efficient, with memory and CPU usage consistently lower than on my Linux setups.


Some hardware compatibility issues arose, particularly with proprietary drivers for NVIDIA graphics cards. Fortunately, the FreeBSD community offers excellent support, and I was able to find workarounds for most problems.

If you’re a Linux user curious about expanding your horizons, I highly recommend giving FreeBSD a try. It’s a testament to the versatility and innovation of open-source software, offering a unique blend of tradition and cutting-edge features.

A special thanks to the FreeBSD community for their dedication to maintaining such a remarkable operating system.